Blog | Jan 24, 2022

Co-founder of Beddit joins as the first Entrepreneur-in-Residence

Reetta square WRITTEN BY Reetta Heiskanen

Lasse Leppäkorpi - Maki's Entrepreneur in Residence
Reading time 1 min

Lasse Leppäkorpi joins Maki House as the first Entpreneur-in-Residence

In 2006 Lasse Leppäkorpi co-founded Beddit, a health tech company helping consumers to sleep better with a sensor product and an app that’s backed with data science. The company was later acquired by Apple. Now, Maki House is proud to welcome Lasse as the first Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) where he will focus on helping founders by leveraging his own experiences from building Beddit.

When Lasse was setting up Beddit in the US, Maki’s partner Ilkka, was on the board of the company and one of its early investors. Following the acquisition, Lasse stayed on at Apple to work as Manager of Software Development at Health Technologies, but now their paths have crossed again as Lasse joins Maki House as its first EIR.

“Scaling Beddit's business in Silicon Valley and finally closing the acquisition by Apple was a continuous rollercoaster and involved endless problem-solving. I’m excited to get to help Maki founders with the challenges they face. My expertise lies strongly in health tech, commercialization and business development of both hardware and software, and with my US contacts and network I believe I can offer very hands-on support,” says Lasse.

As EIR Lasse will mentor founders and teams 1-on-1 on specific issues they are dealing with from expansion, managing B2B and B2C sales, to launching new products.

“Since the beginning we’ve wanted to provide a strong, global network for our founders and that’s why many of our LPs are excited tech entrepreneurs themselves. Lasse is an exceptional entrepreneur, and him joining us as the first EIR takes our supportive platform to a new level, and this is something I’m really thrilled about,” says Maki’s Partner Ilkka.

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