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Building a branded and IoT-based bed bug safety protocol

Valpas is the hygiene protocol that reassures travellers and keeps hotels clean from the most uncontrollable: bed bugs. Valpas ensures travellers stay and return home safe from these unwanted guests and solves the biggest unsolved hygiene problem in living spaces worldwide.

Described as “an answered prayer to travellers everywhere”, Valpas has become an industry standard. Valpas’ smart bed legs capture the first few bed bugs before infestations, and the hotel staff is notified of the captured bed bugs by email. The room cleanliness can be monitored with the Valpas web app 24/7.




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Before, hotels haven’t really had any choice in exposing themselves and their guests to bed bugs. Today, with Valpas, hotels have the choice to not be open for them

Martim Gois CEO at Valpas

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Getting rid of bed bugs with bioengineered material and IoT

During the past years, one third of global travellers have in one way or another changed their behavior when it comes to booking and planning their trips because of bed bugs. And over time, the insects have developed an immunity to existing chemical extermination methods.

Valpas produces specially bioengineered bed legs that look like they are made of military-grade carbon fiber, and which the bugs can easily use to climb up. At the top of the leg, they fall into a small trap equipped with a real time smart sensor, through which the hotel staff can monitor the rooms with traps that need emptying. The legs are simply screwed in, just like any other bed leg in your regular Ikea catalogue, and no special installation is required.

Valpas' founders are Martim Gois, Aleksi Jokela, Aku Viskari, Matti Parkkila, and Vertti Sarimaa

Martim started his first company, Helle Oy, specializing in heat-based bed bug control services, which evolved into Valpas in 2017, the first and only autonomous bed bug system in the world.

The Valpas team is a true cross-section business, engineering and design that has built something the global travel community that appreciates experiences, wellness and sustainability, wants.

60+ hotels already trust Valpas

Valpas has partnered with Comptoir du Matelas, Base Interior Solutions, and Good Ground Partners, and done brand collaborations with Dux Beds. Their R&D partners are Wirepas and Haltian.

Valpas' significant customers include Marriott International, Arp Hansen Hotel Group, Esprit de France Hoteles, and Hotels en Ville.

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We founded North Europe’s first bed bug heat treatment system. So once we were developing the first company into an industry leader, we realized that the true opportunity is in prevention

Martim Gois CEO at Valpas

Series A+